desiTop Disinfectant dispenser

Item Number: gelz-19274-gr

EAN: 2000000040745

Gehäuse: Alu, mattsilber eloxiert

Armhebel: kurz

Auslaufblende: Grün

Hersteller: Gelzenleuchter

Delivery Time: In Stock

Please select a variation:

Auslaufblende Price Base Price Stock
Grün € 199,95 € 199,95 / 1 Stück n.V.
Leuchtend Rot € 199,95 € 199,95 / 1 Stück n.V.
Legende: Bestand: ausreichend / Bestand: niedrig / wird bestellt

desiTop Disinfectant dispenser (Table arrangement)

Placing a disinfectant dispenser in a suitable place is easy ... with the tabletop model of theiTop

The stable dispenser, suitable for all 500 ml standard bottles on the market, always finds its place when wall mounting is not possible or sensible:
- in outpatient or home care
- on workbenches in laboratories and medical practices
- and counters
- for mobile and temporary workplaces.

The dispenser consists of a matt brushed stainless steel housing with stainless steel operating lever. For cleaning, the pump can be removed from the front with just a few hand movements. A drip tray can be used as an option.

All advantages of the at a glance:

- good stability due to low centre of gravity
- stands on anti-slip panes - without leaving marks
- hygienic operation with forearm possible
- bottle label completely readable?no dripping of the stainless steel pump
- easy bottle change ?no assembly necessary
- good cleaning due to removable pump
- optional drip tray

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